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Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland and Delaware. Slaves in these states were not freed till after the civil war; not even by the Emancipation Proclamation.

Plus, of course, District of Columbia, until slavery was abolished there in '62.

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12y ago

Missouri had representatives in both the United States and Confederate States Congresses. So, Missouri could be considee both way.




West Virginia secede from Virginia in 1863 and side with the Union.

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8y ago

Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri. While these states allowed slaves they never declared a succession from the union like all of the other slave states. These states, in addition to Union-controlled Tennessee, part of Louisiana and then-forming West Virginia, were also exempted from the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863.

In 1862 slavery ended in Washington DC.

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13y ago

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware. West Virginia split from Virginia during the Civil War to become a state on the side of the Union.

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12y ago

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware…

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9y ago

The four slave states that remained loyal to the Union were: Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri. The Union was further aided with these states.

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11y ago

Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland and Delaware. And from 1863, the new state of West Virginia.

DC was also a slave state at the beginning, although slave-trading had been otlawed there.

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Q: What slave states stayed in the Union during the Civil War?
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Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware. West Virginia was also formed during this time period and remained loyal to the Union. Slaves in these states were not freed till after the civil war; not even by the Emancipation Proclamation.

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During the civil war there were 24 states in the union including the border states. but there was 23 states that remained loyal to the union during the war.

What slave states stayed in the Union when the civil war began?

Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, and Kentucky

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They stayed loyal to the Union.